CRank: 5Score: 2720

6665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gametime Sony's share holders are scared. You wrote: You can say sony is going down all you want but when ps3 starts to outsell xbox (which it will in 2006)i you will be the one looking like an ass: Please tell you're best theory on why you think what you stated above. Facts would even be better. Are you getting a pay check from Sony god dam you're a hard-headed fanboy.

6666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Updated graphics is a good thing, it's more than i can say about the PS3 games i seen at E3, they need updating--alot! of updating. They seem to be downgrading from when i seen them at E3 2005.

6666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come November December; will be the begining of the greatest battle in video game history and consumers will not be won over by brand loyalty so easy. Games will make or break consoles in the 7th generation.

6668d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep I sure do, I bet HD-DVD will take it if they both make it, because if theres choice on anyone thing and they're really close to one-another, people will always go with the cheapest let me say that again the bulk of the consumers in-witch these companies need will be the must have buy at the same time bargon shoppers. I just don't think a little more space will justify [$500 extra] or intrest[could care less about 100 hours of extra features] the common folk.

6668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never listen to the idiots that compare the lower end of the market to the higher end. Again if you Sony fanboy's have been comparing PS2 to the 360 you're even bigger idiots than i thought. Dev's are still pumping out games like crazzy and the PS2 is cheap as hell, So that's got Dev's thinking 1) PS3 will be too exspensive for the bulk of the base so PS2 will be the dominate Sony console for years to come; And 2) PS3 will be able to play PS2 games So we can make cheap games and don't have to...

6668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PlayStation 2's increase in sales, which we can only attribute to the release of the mega-selling Kingdom Hearts II or the announced PlayStation 3 price deterring future customers.

6668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Username: Alan
Sex: male/female
Location: North America
Status: Gamer/Sonyfanboy
UserInfo: Post 0 Votes lame on every 360 story

6668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is it! with this kid? ps2 is selling fine-ps2 is selling fine-ps2 is selling fine-ps2 is selling fine-ps2 is selling fine. What the fu*k does PS2 have to do with the Next-gen consoles. PS2 will sell fine while the PS3 is been out for a year or two so whats you're point Kingboy?. The Consoles will sell acording to price from cheapest selling the most to the most exspensive selling the least.

6668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The camera features
· High-end online camera supports up to VGA 640x480 video at 30 frames per second and takes 1.3-megapixel still photos.
· The camera includes a microphone that connects to the controller, so everyone in the room can chat online with their grandads
· The camera supports built-in video chat and video messaging on Xbox Live.
· Your face can be imported into games (god forbid) and can also be placed next to your name on leader bo...

6668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who's Steve Ballmer(j/k) and has he been talking crazzy in the professional businness world?. Hav'nt heard much please tell me if there's a point in you're being fair.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'v seen so many Kung-fu movies where there's some big badass tough guy that can't be beat and always underestimates the smaller weaker guy. Ken i thought you were Japanese there's meaning in those movies. ( HA HA HA HA you think you can beat me! try my tigger style! waa- -pst-whop.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kutaragi has labeled the Xbox 360 as "just an Xbox 1.5" and stated that it was "only going after PlayStation 2" [11]. He also has commented that the PlayStation 3 is capable of running games at 120 fps [12] and that the PS3 is 4D and "live"[13]. This refers to the PS3's free online service and advanced graphics. However, SCE Executive Tetsuhiko Yasuda does not consider Microsoft to be a competitor, and that they might consider working on games together[14].

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ken Kutaragi was born in Tokyo, Japan. His parents, although not wealthy by Japan standards, still managed to own their own business - they ran a small printing plant in the city. As Kutaragi grew into childhood, they actively encouraged the young boy to explore his mechanical abilities in the plant, and he worked after school there. Aside from his duties in his parents' factory, Kutaragi was a studious, high-level student; he was often described as a "straight A" pupil.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll be picking up this title for sure on the 360, i don't know why this games listed as a PS3 game when its for both 360 and PS3.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

100mill shipped, not 100mill owners there might be millions siting somewhere waiting to be bought for $129.00

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude im sorry but you're a FUC*ING IDIOT you keep comming with that same tierd BS PS2 will out sell PS3 aswell and always will! intill Sony stops dealing with it. It's been out for six years and has alot of games and also has an extra generations worth of fanbase. The difference now is PS3's price and MS's quality console and deep pockets and vision.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blu-ray's got it's name from the Blue laser it uses. Toshiba's HD-DVD uses the same Blue laser also they are the same in quality in other words. BD(blu-disc)has more storage and this is the only thing the war will be fought over; space!.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blu-ray's got it's name from the Blue laser it uses. Toshiba's HD-DVD uses the same Blue laser also they are the same in quality in other words. BD(blu-disc)has more storage and this is the only thing the war will be fought over; space!.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blu-ray's got it's name from the Blue laser it uses. Toshiba's HD-DVD uses the same Blue laser also they are the same in quality in other words. BD(blu-disc)has more storage and this is the only thing the war will be fought over; space!.

6671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment